Rise and Shine!

Weather news and fashion advice

summer clothing image

Weather Summary

High: 90 °

Low: 66 °

Sunny day with temperatures in the low 90s. It's time to ditch the office for a perfect work afternoon at the park! people working outside sunny day

Precipitation: 0%

Wind Speed: 5 mph SW

How a local meteorologist and self proclaimed fashionista is challenging the fashion industry

Rebecca Mills is not what you would call a traditional metereologist. She has found a way to combine her career, studing the weather, with her life long passion: Fashion.

rebecca mills metereologist

Ten Day Forecast

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
89°F 87°F 78°F 75°F 72°F 72°F 79°F 83°F 85°F 89°F

Monsoon Season: what you need to know!


With monsoons upon us, the residents of Franklin make preparations to what could easily become a challenging season.
According to the Nationa Weather Service, last year's monsoon season caused 34 million dollars in property damages along the midwestern states.

What are some things you can do to prepare for monsoon season? Authorities are recommending residents to: